Monthly Subscriptions
for Video Production
and Website Design
Cost-effective monthly subscriptions for video production, website builds and website management for classical music, arts and businesses.
Video SubscriptionsWebsite Subscriptions
Video Production Subscriptions
Engage Your Audience
Tailored Packages
Consistent Brand Style
We’ll agree on an all-inclusive, fixed monthly fee based on your needs and budget. This makes it far more cost-effective than the traditional model of booking us on a single project by project basis, as well as making it far easier to budget.
Part of Your Team
By working with the same team consistently over a period of time, we essentially become a part of your marketing team. This allows for a far more streamlined and agile production process, as well as helping to build a strong brand identity with a consistent style and quality of video content.
Content Library
The more videos we create, the larger and more versatile your library of content becomes. This provides an excellent tool to be able to utilise existing content for future campaigns.
Website Subscriptions
Website Design & Build
We offer flexible, on-going monthly subscriptions which combine the initial design and build of the website as well as all future hosting and updates, all rolled into a single monthly fee.
Website Management
Once your site is built, it still needs to be hosted, managed and regularly updated. Our subscriptions roll this on-going, post-launch cost into the initial design and build of the website.
Single Monthly Cost
Our website subscriptions break down the project cost into smaller monthly payments and provide you with on-going management of your website.
Get In Touch
Get in touch if you’re interested in working together to make videos on an on-going basis or to build and manage your new website.
Tell us what you have in mind we’ll get back to you to discuss further.